Suzanne's Second Estate

A web log of my thoughts, activities, life....

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Community Theater at its Finest

I told you I'd talk more about my trip to Aberdeen at the beginning of this month, so here it is. Approximately 9 hours of my trip was dedicated to watching "West Side Story." I saw it three times. Before you decide I have a problem, let me say in my defense that not only were my sisters, Sarah and Bekah (pictured below), in the show, but my Dad played Officer Krupke, and Sarah's college roommate, Amy (who is almost like family) played Maria.

The show was incredible. It was a youth version, so most of the actors were 22-years-old or younger (not Dad obviously). They performed the original choreography, and the acting was top-notch. After seeing the show three times, I definitely had a few of the songs stuck in my head, including "I Feel Pretty," "Officer Krupke" and "Cool."

Good times were had by all. Check out these photos to see more of the drama!


At 6:39 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Great pics! Acting is so much fun... Hey, I wanted to let you know that my blog account with the other server was having lots of bugs, and Blogspot finally worked for me, so the link in my profile is now active! ;-)


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