Suzanne's Second Estate

A web log of my thoughts, activities, life....

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My First Press Release

My friend Hunter asked me to write a press release for this mildly wacky thing he was doing: standing on a busy street corner during rush hour traffic each day holding a sign that says: "Will Do Financial Planning for Food." I won't give away the whole story (read it here), but he's giving half of the commission he receives as a result to our local food bank to help Hurricane Katrina victims.

I wrote the press release. Hunter released it to PRWeb and so far it's received 85,000 hits. As a result of that publicity, he was featured on two local newscasts last night and in this morning's Gazette. I'm gloating at the success of my press release but really it's Hunter's idea that deserves credit. As 11 News said last night: "Just one man. Standing on a street corner. Doing his part." Way to go, Hunter.


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