Suzanne's Second Estate

A web log of my thoughts, activities, life....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Matt and Anna!

That's right. My brother and sister-in-law were born on the same day (two years apart), which also happens to be the first day of Spring. It may have been when I learned that my college friend Anna shared a birthday with my brother, that I first thought they should meet. I remember Matt saying to my dad before he married Anna: "It's weird. You know. We'll share all the same holidays! Our birthday, our anniversary..." At that point, my dad broke in: "Well, your mother and I share our anniversary." Oh, so I guess it's just the birthday.

I had a college professor who had the same birthday as her husband. She said they planned a special day off each year to celebrate together. I've often told that story to Anna. But I suppose sometimes it's a bummer to have to share your birthday with anyone — even the person you love most. So let me say:

Happy Birthday, Matt! You're awesome, and I love seeing God work in your life and use your many talents. I'm glad you're my brother, and I'm so proud of you!


Happy Birthday, Anna! You have been a faithful friend and dear sister. You live each day with Jesus in mind, and your love for Him reflects on your home. You are a wonderful mother. I love you!


At 12:33 PM, Blogger Annie said...

Paul and I were born 11 days apart. I can honestly say that I wouldn't want to share a birthday with anyone else. I don't even want any of my children to be born on my birthday! I don't like to share. But with Paul it's different, I wouldn't even mind sharing the same day with him. Of course, people have birthday party's for us - together, so I never get my own party anymore, but I don't really care.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Anna H. said...

Thanks, Suzanne!! :-) I guess I haven't been to your blog in a while -- at least not since my birthday. You are a dear friend and sister too. I wish we could spend more time together, but it's awesome to see what God is doing in you and through you in Colorado Springs. I'll tell Matt that he has a little birthday message from you, 'cause I'm pretty sure he doesn't frequent your blog that often.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Suzanne said...

I don't think Matt even knows the address of my blog! ;)


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