Suzanne's Second Estate

A web log of my thoughts, activities, life....

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fall Cleaning

Today I'm cleaning my room. I mean, REALLY cleaning it. I like things clean but neat is a different story. Yep. I'm a bit of a pack-rat and clutterbug. My findings have been fascinating. Did you know some things multiply? It's true. Dental floss, for instance. I discovered after cleaning out my bathroom drawers that I had quite the collection.

The same was true for chapstick and headbands. (And really, how often do you see me wearing a headband?)

Then there's always the sentimental item that you never use anymore, but you can't bear to part with it for the memories attached to it. Figure A: a small Fiddler on the Roof t-shirt from '93. (I'm sure I'll magically shrink to my 14-year-old size one of these days).

The things you forgot about, such as this awesome Jane Austin gown I found at the thrift store last year. Anyone having a Pride and Prejudice costume party? I think pink is my color.

And the random item award goes to...the moustache. Um, that's all I have to say about that.

I'm still working, so I'm sure more treasures are yet to be unearthed. What's the strangest thing you found while cleaning?


At 7:55 PM, Blogger Jennifer M. said...

That's awesome. I love finding random things that I'd forgotten about when cleaning my room! Hmm... you'd think that would make me clean more room more. But I don't think that's going to happen!

At 2:39 PM, Blogger COrealtor said...

I can't tell you how much you're like me. I have 10 of everything, especially chapsticks and dental floss for some reason. my problem is I'll almost be out of something (like shampoo), buy a new bottle, and I get so excited to use the new stuff, I don't finish the OLD bottle. you can see how this is a vicious cycle.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Christy said...

Did you know that toothpaste expires? I can't pass up a deal (I know so hard to believe!) and so I was going through my linen closet and unearthed about 10 tubes of toothpaste! Better get brushing!

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Stefanie said...

I love this. The floss collection is something I have experienced many times over (As a serial grow-a-giant-mess-then-clean-it-down-to-the -carpet-fibers type).

I also happen to have a number of "once-and-future" clothes for when I, too return to my former middle school glory.

Oh, and I am going to add your blog to my blog page, if that's ok. Mostly to make me feel like I know more bloggers, because I can't promise that it will garner you any more readers. My blog currently has a tumbleweed problem.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that's what you were doing instead of going to a movie?! Good thing to see you later at the party. And I always lose my chapstick, so can I have one of yours? We're that good of friends, right? Nice friends poem too. Ok, leaving the country now, and not because they found me, but, well you know the story .....

At 3:58 AM, Blogger Gail said...

last night i had a life maintenance night, the pile of clean clothes on my floor was getting out of control. i think i let junk mail collect...i just throw it in a pile until i have like 5 piles and it takes a whole night just to go through it all and throw it away. oh and mugs. i have a mug problem. how many mugs does a single girl need? 33 apparently.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Suzanne said...

Deanna, I think a single girl needs AT LEAST 33 mugs. You've inspired me to count! But I, also, experience that cup/glass/mug build-up. Several times a week, I have to take all beverage holders down to the kitchen.

Stefani, thanks! I appreciate the vote of confidence. And I'm glad to know I'm not the only "piler"

At 6:51 PM, Blogger gail said...

yup yup, i have the water cup collection next to my bed. i know this is awful but my ironing board is in my bedroom and sometimes in the morning i will just pour any left over water into my iron instead of going and getting fresh water. it's horrible, but it's my reality.


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