Suzanne's Second Estate

A web log of my thoughts, activities, life....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Can I Do?

"Sometimes doing what you can is more important than what you can do."

That's something the Lord has taught me repeatedly. Many times my most ordinary services seem to be the ones that encourage people the most. I wrote about it in "The Useful Christian."

You'll find them in every church. They hold babies in the nursery, take meals to the sick, show up for church work days. They pull weeds, chaperone teens, host missionaries, bake cookies for VBS and quietly write checks.

They are the useful people.

Which church they attend matters little. They will inevitably dig in and do whatever they can to help.

Sometimes I fight usefulness, because it seems unexciting. Plus, I'm lazy. (A friend recently quipped: "Laziness: You've either got it or you don't." I've got it.) But God has created us to be useful, and we will feel most fulfilled when we're using what we have for His glory. I've had some extraordinary examples of useful people in my life. And this lifestyle of usefulness is something I'm working on. I hope the story of "Mark the Slacker" encourages you.


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