Suzanne's Second Estate

A web log of my thoughts, activities, life....

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Baby Sister is Getting Married

My sister Rebekah is getting married on Saturday. My how the time has flown since Christmastime when whispers of a relationship with Ezra began, and April when we were in New York and we felt like Ezra was with us (due to numerous text messages) and May when Bekah called me to tell me they were engaged.

Many people have asked me how I feel about having my baby sister—nine years younger than me—marry while I am still single (I imagine others have not had the courage to ask). I'm not sure my reaction is typical. Of course, there is the usual sentimentality that sets in when you are part of a wedding or watch a really good chick flick. When I listen to the beautiful love song my brother wrote for the wedding, I sigh and get a little misty. But my primary feelings about Bekah's marriage are joy and hope.

First of all, I am overwhelmed with joy that Bekah is marrying a godly man who exhibits a love for her that reflects Christ's love for the church (Eph. 5:25). I have prayed for Bekah for many years, that she would walk devotedly with the Lord and find a partner who encourages her in her faith. Near the beginning of their dating relationship, Bekah asked me if I had any recommendations for devotional books. At Ezra's prompting, she wanted to become more serious about her devotional time. I was touched by the way Ezra was already leading Bekah spiritually.

Some assume that I would be discouraged by the fact that my little sister is getting married before me—after all, I have waited nine years longer than she for a godly spouse. I won't deny that an occasional question of God's fairness has crossed my mind, but by His grace, Bekah and Ezra's journey has encouraged me in a profound way and renewed my hope.

Before Ezra came along, I saw Bekah struggle through several "not right" relationships. They were the kind of relationships that were OK, but clearly not God's best. When I see Bekah and Ezra together, it is apparent each of them believes they have found a treasure in the other. They bring out the best in one another and desire God's good in each other's lives. As I've watched their story unfold, I have witnessed what the Giver of Life can do through a relationship He ordains.

I also recognize that He is writing different stories for me and my sister—both of them for His glory. He has blessed her with Ezra in this season, because that is what she needs—or perhaps He just wishes to delight her in this way. And I have no reason to doubt that God can, and will, do the same for me in His timing. I'm not claiming a promise that does not exist. I am only blessed by this outpouring of God's love and grace on my sister and trusting that He desires to lavish His love on me, too (1 John 3:1). I hope you will be encouraged today that God is great and that He loves you—really loves you—more than you can comprehend.


At 2:34 PM, Blogger Bekah said...

Great article Suz. =) You're such a great writter. Love you lots and lots!!! I get to see you SOOOON!!!

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Alyssa Jean said...

I'm sure God has a great plan in your life. :) just keep holding onto His hand for strength.



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