Suzanne's Second Estate

A web log of my thoughts, activities, life....

Friday, June 30, 2006

My Evangelistic Checklist

My friend Dave Barshinger wrote a great article about evangelism that appeared in this week's Boundless. Dave is my brother's childhood best friend. He and his wife, Allison, and son, Levi, live in Dallas, Texas. In his article, "My Evangelistic Checklist," Dave explores what an evangelical's true motivation for evangelism should be. He writes:

What is evangelism? It is first seeing ourselves as we truly are — resistant, self-centered sinners who, if it weren't for the grace of God, would always choose the feast of evil. Then it's seeing the rich work God has done in us: We have encountered true love. And it's seeing people as they are — they're just like me.

Evangelism is something I struggle with. It's something I desire to do, but I often find it scary and awkward. Dave's article reminded me of the point of evangelism: introducing the world to God's great love. When I am reminded of the way God has lavished His love on me through Christ, sharing that love with others is a natural response.

Give Dave's article a read. I trust it will be as much of an encouragement to you as it was to me.


At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Evangelism is so simple, not complicated at all. When Jesus healed the demoniac at the gadarenes, take a look at the second half of the story. The man was now sitting clothed and in his "right mind". He begged Jesus to let him go with Jesus. Jesus said no. What did Jesus tell him to do? Go back to your family and tell them what Jesus has done for you.

That is true evangelism. Paul says that we (our lives) are the epistle (the proof, the story) of God's promises being yes and amen in Jesus. In other words... evangelism is simply telling people about God's living love in our lives.

And that's just what you said Suzanne! :)


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