Suzanne's Second Estate

A web log of my thoughts, activities, life....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 22: Striped to Perfection

I like stripes. Once again, I waited until the end of the day to get my picture. At that point, settings are a bit limited, so forgive the baby clutter. This was my favorite photo of the outfit, but SOMEBODY wasn't ready for the picture. I'm wearing my Big Star jeans, striped tank from Old Navy and sweater from Target. I may not have been wearing shoes since I did not leave the house yesterday.

Here's one with Little J looking. However, he was VERY ready for bed and not so into the photo shoot. What did you do all day since you never left the house? you may ask. Well, let me tell you. Fourth- and 5th-grade camp is coming up at our church the middle of May and I'm revamping the camper notebooks, which contain games, devotions, small group times and other fun stuff to fit the detective theme "Get a Clue: Investigating the Greatest Relationship Ever."

I'm really excited to be a part of this. Plus, Little J and I get to go to camp with Kevin. I think it will be life-changing for many of these kids. I hope it will be a point they can look back on and say, "That is when I made my faith my own and gave Jesus control of my life."

A friend of mine noted that my fashion challenge posts are seeming a bit weary. It's true. This challenge is definitely a lot more fun during the first week than the last. But only eight more outfits to go! I'll tell you about what I'm thinking of doing next, after this challenge is over. Fun stuff.


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